Thursday, February 27, 2020

日常生活: 中国語の勉強


だって、僕も毎日していることを撮影して三回目のvlogを作ろうと決めました。僕って毎日何をやってるだろうか?確かに中国語の勉強だなあ?僕としては新年の一月の1日って12月31日の次の日だけなんですが、今年は2020のNew Year’sResolutionを決めって一番目にしたのが中国語を中級レベルに上げて中国に住んでいる友達をたずねること。


韓国のオンライン中国語のクラスを登録して毎週三回Skypeの通じて中国語を勉強しています。日本のオンライン中国語のクラスも探してみましたが、料金も高いし授業の時間も決めることも大変だったので韓国に帰って명가차이니즈(Myeongga Chinese)と言うオンライン中国語教育企業のコースの登録を申し込んで日本に戻りました。

最初は教材の本を使ったんですがどんどんfree talkingの感じになりました。それで、僕が準備しなければならないことが結構あるようになりました。クラスがある日は午前七時に半頃起きて一時間ほど復習したり聞く質問のlistを作ったりします。


中国語のレベルを上げて友達と一緒に青岛 Beer Festivalに行きます!




Monday, February 24, 2020

Morning Routine with Chinese Class Online

Many of the vlogs I have been watching on Youtube were just about daily routines, which makes sense because vlogs are not meant to give specific information to the viewers or persuade them, I guess. They are more like getting the viewers immersed to the vlogers' ordinary(sometimes extraordinary) life. Vague expression, I know.  I didn't even google 'what is vlogging' because I didn't want to make myself fixed on something about vlogging, which I think is a good decision for now.

But as I mentioned above, I was a bit stuck on a word related to vlogging. It is 'daily routine'. Thinking about daily lives, I find myself focused on getting much time to study Chinese. I typically don't make specific New Year's Resolution, but this year of 2020 I made a list and on top of the Iist there is mastering Chinese. I can say it has dominated my morning routines.

I leave my flat around 10:40 am. I wake up at about 7:30. I allocate the amount of time to put for things I think I should and want to do. I minimize the time for doing chores like washing dishes, sweeping the floor, and so on(I love my tiny studio. For sweeping it takes just 5 minutes). The rest are all about languages.

I deal with four languages. So I always feel short of time. It is because if I put huge amount of time on one of the four languages, I feel the rest slipped back a bit. But how  far the language slipped back differs depending on how fluent I feel in the language. For example, I don't feel much change even if I haven read a book or magazine written in Korean. I am fluent in Korean. I am Korean. On the other hands, if I skip a Chinese class, I feel the consequence on the next class. I stutter more than usual. A kind of strong feedback. As a result, I get to put more time on the language in which I am least fluent: Chinese.

For now, I am focusing on listening and speaking than reading and writing. My career is dealing with international customers. I deal with them face to face. In most cases, I speak English or Korean. But I sometimes have to deal with Chinese customers who can not speak English at all. I am the only foreign staff in the restaurant. Simply speaking, I am in charge of foreigners. I have to and want to be fully prepared. I need to speak Chinese.

Considering 10,000 hour principle, I expect that I can reach the level I want to reach around the age 48 or 50.

Visiting Korea, I bought a book of collection of speeches by Chinese personalities.

It would take 3 years to master the book.

My morning routine won't change much for a while.

You can check my Youtube: Morning Routine with Online Chinese Class

Thursday, February 20, 2020





ソウルについて最初に行った所はGuanghwamun(광화문)にあるKyobo Bookstore(교보문고)でした。そこで新しい韓国の本と中国語を勉強することにいる本をチェックして四本を買いました。買った後で直ぐ急いで地下鉄に乗ってGangnam(강남)に行きました。




今回の韓国に帰る元々の目的は姉の引っ越しの後で重いものを運ぶのを手伝うことだったですが、別に目指したこともありました。例えば、韓国の料理を食べるのも一つでした。もちろん、韓国料理をいっぱい食べました。ビデオを作りながら食べたSundaegukpap(순대국밥), Galbi(갈비)など全部美味しかったです。特に母が作ったキムチを食べながら飲んだ





Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Jerry Back to Korea from 15th to 18th in 2020

Last January my sister moved to a new apartment and I felt like joining her housewarming party. Because of the widespread concern over Corona virus, there were fewer people at the party. Most of the close friends of mine cancelled coming to the party because most of them are married and have kids. I felt sorry, but a bit relieved to know that they are wise and mature enough to be responsible parents.

From Fukuoka to Incheon it took a bit more than expected. I guess it was because of the bad weather. Arriving at the airport, I headed straight to Seoul, which I usually do. I was born in Seoul and it feels like Seoul is my eternal hometown even though either I or anyone in my family doesn’t have a house there anymore.

A cool thing I want to mention is an app called Ctrip. It is so convenient to use. I booked my flight ticket and a highspeed train ticket from Incheon International Airport to Seoul Station. There are many apps for booking flight tickets, hotels and so on that I have tried, but Ctrip is the easiest one ever that I have used. I heard ‘Ctrip’ is a Chinese brand. Innovative!

I just roamed around Kyobo Bookstore in Guanghwamun(광화문) and took a bus in Gangnam(강남). Waiting for the bus to Jije Station(지제역) in Pyeongtaek(평택), I just looked around and found Korean ladies were so beautiful and one of the reasons for their beauty might be flourishing plastic surgery clinics. Frankly speaking, I didn’t feel good when my Japanese coworkers asked me if almost every woman in Korea get plastic surgeries. But looking at the commercials on the street and so many signs of plastic surgery clinics, I thought I couldn’t either deny or agree with my Japanese coworkers’ arguments.

Cathy(my sis)’s apartment was so cool. Hyunah(Cathy’s daughter) introduced me IT things adopted in the apartment and I felt overwhelmed. I had lived quite old apartments when I had lived in Korea, so the IoT things in apartments were just fancy future things that are show in enterprises’ exhibitions in Seoul. But at the same time, I had heard a lot of economic news that major electronic companies such as Samsung and LG were investing huge capital on IoT technologies for houses and apartments. The speed of technological innovation is overwhelming and whenever I visit Korea, I find something I haven’t seen before but has been quite generalized.

The favorite thing visiting back to Korea is that Wi-Fi is much faster and general than Fukuoka. For second and third day in Korea, in the morning, I just did Internet. I watched Youtube videos I wanted in Fukuoka. Lying on the couch, I just kept doing the Internet. Even when I rented a Wi-Fi in Incheon International Airport, I was surprised with the rate. It was just 3,300 won a day . In US dollars, it is $3.

The main purpose for visiting Korea is joining Cathy’s housewarming party. But there were many subsidiary purposes, too. Eating Korean foods was one of them. Surely I did enough. I ate Sundaegukpap(순대국밥), Galbi(갈비), and so on. I drank good Makguli(막걸리) with mom’s Kimchi.

I bought Koean books that I needed. I bought a good book of a collection of great speeches by Chinese personalities. What else? I guess I did enough. One things that I learned is that I should visit Korea at least every quarter. When it comes to technological things such as IT, AI, IoT, and their related business models and adoption, I could see lots of clues of the coming revolution, just walking, running and driving around. I felt I need to be updated on a frequent and regular basis.

A thing I really want to do now is not inviting friend in Korea and all over world.  The thing I really want to do for now is taking my friends and coworkers to Korea, and how dynamic Korea is!

You can watch my 2nd vlog. Click!!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


今日は。日本語でブログを書きるのは初めてですね。先週、今週からビデオブログを一週間一回造ってアップロードしようと決めました。アップロードした後でライン(Line)とかカカオトーク(Kakao Talk)の通じて色んな方に知らせます。僕をよく知っている日本人の友達には面白いねと言われると思いますが、同じ会社で一緒に働いていますが、僕とはあまり個人的な人間関係がない方としてはその外人ってちょっとおかしい所があるねと言われる恐れがあります。(実は、僕が含まれている会社の営業のライングループで僕が造ったユーチューブをつなげても大丈夫かなとお思ってちょっと悩みました)。


3月になると日本の生活って三年目になります。3って日本でも大切な数字ですが、韓国も同じに大切です。三年と言う期間って長くもない、短くもないと思います。人生ってチョコレートボックスみたいなので(from "Forest Gump",movie)どうなるのか誰もわからないことですが、なんか僕が日本で経験したのをちゃんと片づけたほうが将来を考えてもいいと思います。十年後で僕が造ったユーチューブ見て日本でしたのを思い出すと発展的なアイデアを出すことに役に立てると思います。過去、現在、そして未来をよく繋げてストーリーがある人生、意味がある人生を住みたいです(今もそうするように頑張っていますが)。




Monday, February 10, 2020

Rationalization for starting Vlogging

I decided to do Vlogging for one year from this week (12th February 2020). 
I came up with some ideas for the first episode, took video roaming (or running) around Fukuoka City, and edited it. Calculating the amount of the time I spent on the first video, it took about 7 hours in total, which means I am going to invest my 7 hours for making a Vlog video every week(I am not sure what I can quit among the things I am doing now). If I do one year, it is a huge thing.

Doing something new long takes at least a few reasons with which you can rationalize the trial to keep going or give up on the way without any regret. 
Trying writing down the rationalization is helpful in not forgetting the reasons I made up and being disoriented on the way and to the way. I will do the work now.

I will reveal some external clues which triggered my brain to make a decision which even now I think a bit silly. The first clue is the responses that I got from the customers who visited the restaurant I work. I made a few short YouTube videos which briefly introduces the restaurant and its dishes. One of them was uploaded on the website of the restaurant. Whenever I got an email for booking, I sent a reply with links to the Youtube video. The customers’ responses were positive. They said they felt quite comfortable in enjoying the dishes of the restaurant because they had got details. 
It seemed that they felt more informed when the information was given in multiple forms of media than plain texts. My conclusion was that I need to know video better not just as a consumer but as a producer.

My only niece Hyunah recommended me to try Vlogging. I used to ask her many trendy things going on social networks and the information from her was very helpful in catching up with the current of social networks. 

But when it comes to Vlogging, I didn’t understand why so many people take their time watching the long and lame Vlogging videos. Maybe I resisted understanding. She told me that in order to understand why Vlogging videos are viral, I should try Vlogging on my own. 
She must have been sick and tired of her uncle’s endless calls for help and advice. When she advised me to start Vlogging, I had already known that video has become more crucial in nurturing more efficient communication. I couldn’t come up with an excuse to say “I can’t” anymore and declared that I would try one-year personal project of Vlogging.

Last week, I felt like trying something promotive for the Writing Group in which I participate relatively actively as a social activity. I took a short video where the participants were talking about the essays they had written, edited it, uploaded it on YouTube Channel, and sent it to people with whom I wouldn’t feel much shy. One of them was a sort of the leader of the Writing Group. She said,
“Watching the video, I felt I was watching my sister!”

Watching oneself on the video could be a good opportunity to watch and reflect oneself more objectively and realistically. 
With her reaction, I felt like I want to review myself in 5 years or 10 years, which definitely could help me understand what I have gone through and I will go through.

The clues have been piled up enough. I start Vlogging this week.